This is my blog of book reviews! So it is pretty exciting stuff that will be coming up.
I love books! I could read them all the time so I will share my love of books with you through reviewing some of my favorites.
I am sure many people could say they can know a lot about you by the books you like to read.
I dread to think what they might come up with about my personality.
I like humour, fantasy, mystery and most of all historical fiction. However if it is historical fiction, it must be accurate about really historical details because it makes it so much more interesting and you feel like you are becoming more intelligent just by reading a fun book. Hooray!
I am going to have super fun reading and writing for this blog and you should have super fun reading it. If you are not, then you need to decide to have super fun and you will. It's all mental.
Such super fun!
Also, here is a video to explain my name- Barbarian 1+ donkey. Just sit back and enjoy this quality viewing.