Teen Power Inc.
- Emily Rodda
I have decided to take this as a compliment but it still feels very strange. I don't think I look seven years younger then my age and at none of these occasions was I acting, I think, particularly immaturely. Granted once I had just walked the length of a crowded room with a dirty plastic plate balanced on my head but in context my actions were completely reasonable. I was declared a hero and everyone eyed me with looks of marked appreciation until someone noticed that new nibbles had arrived on the table. Moving on from the nibbles though I have decided my cheerful naivety must be the cause and I make concentrated efforts to seem like a powerful entrepreneurial women when speaking to my student's parents.
However there are positives that come with looking younger and one of them that I happily cash in on is not looking out of place in the young adults section of the library. I'm living on the wild side! I really like some young adult books. Not the paranormal ones about vampires and creatures of the dead that leave you as an emotional hormonal wreck with fried brain cells but books that have a reasonable story line and are well written.

1. The books have six main characters which means the series doesn't become boring as there can be a different character to focus on through the books.
2. The books portray fairly normal 90's teenagers without making them too saintly or too lecherous. They focus on their personalities rather than their love lives. Their flawed, realistic personalities make them personable and likable. You find yourself working out which character you most resemble or wish you did. Team Tom!
3. These books are exciting! In lots of them the Teen Power Inc members almost die through various sticky situations and my sisters and I would fight to be the one to read them first.
4. The author Emily Rodda is not a poor writer who has resigned herself to young adult fiction. She is a good writer who has chosen to make more simplistic books interesting and well constructed.
5. These are books that I will remember reading right through my life and not something that I will forget tomorrow Exciting? yes, realistic? yes, funny? yes, mysterious? yes, awesome? yes, easy to read? yes, disturbing? no, embarrassing? no.
Also finally because you know you want to...Which Teen Power Inc Character are you?
"We took ages to work out what to put in the ad, and especially what to call ourselves. Nick suggested a name made up of initials, but when Tom started getting silly and suggesting things like TWIRP (Totally Weird, Insane Rip-off Plus) and BUMS (Brainy, Useful, Muscly Stars) he went off the idea.
In the end we settled on Teen Power after all."